Blood Analysis – Vitamin IV-Doc24

Do you want to start a long-term vitamin infusion therapy that is optimally tailored to your individual needs? The first step is a blood analysis. The method of blood analysis is highly valued in medicine because it provides important data on a persons metabolism and can indicate potential deficiencies in vitamins, micronutrients, minerals, or other substances, as well as possibly contribute to early detection.

To perform a blood analysis, venous blood is first drawn from the patients, typically from a vein in the crook of the arm. Venous blood is considered whole blood – blood containing all its components.

After your blood has been drawn, it is sent to one of our partner laboratories as quickly as possible, where it is then carefully analyzed. The values analyzed depend on the blood
analysis you have chosen. Blood consists of different components; this includes cellular elements like red and white
blood cells and platelets, as well as blood plasma. To separate the plasma for more detailed examinations from the other components, the blood is mixed with a substance that inhibits coagulation, such as EDTA. Then the typically yellowish, translucent plasma can be separated from the other components using a centrifuge. Blood serum is another element essential for measuring many parameters. Serum is plasma without clotting factors. To separate these
two components for individual analysis, the whole blood is first allowed to clot, and then the serum is separated using a centrifuge.

Depending on the need, all these components and their substances can be examined, or only certain aspects. The ingredients of your blood and the nature of individual components are carefully analyzed in the laboratory and then compared with reference values. This way, it can be determined whether your values are within the normal range or deviate from it.

Once we have determined whether and which vitamins, micronutrients, minerals, or other substances are missing in your blood, we can start your individual vitamin infusion therapy. Vitamin infusions are composed based on your specific needs. For example, if you suffer from a magnesium deficiency, you will receive a vitamin infusion tailored specifically to your deficiency so that the magnesium levels in your blood normalize.

We will be happy to discuss with you which extent of blood analysis is best suited for you, your goals, and individual needs. Blood analysis and the associated blood draw involve no risks. At Vitamin Lounge, all procedures are carried out under the highest hygiene standards and are only performed by experienced individuals – from the blood draw to the careful examination in one of our partner laboratories.

To carry out an accurate analysis of your blood, we ask you to fast, which means to refrain from eating eight to twelve hours before the draw, as the validity of certain values can otherwise, be compromised.

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Hormone Analysis for Women €240

Hormones play a significant role in the body, and imbalances can lead to a variety of symptoms and discomforts. The Hormone Analysis for women assesses all relevant hormones in the female body and analyzes their balance and levels. The comprehensive hormone profile measures, among others, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and estradiol.